CARD OF THE DAY 17/02/2021

🌍General energies 🌍
🌒First Quarter Moon in Taurus♉
With the Moon in Taurus we are motivated by the desire for serenity, security, peace, and comfort. The Moon is very most sensual and constant in Taurus. You may feel like you want to relax, resist change and “stop to smell the roses”. Life slows down a little, and we get comfortable. We may also be inclined to stubbornness and materialism. Patience, diligence, perseverance and practicality are on the increase. The Moon in Taurus favours occupations which demand prolonged and persistent effort, but it is also good for complete rest in comfort and coziness. It is best to avoid undertaking anything which requires quickness, decisiveness and quick-wittedness. This Moon generally favors financial activities or applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music and home decorations.
⚡Jupiter Square Natal Pluto☢
You will be highly ambitious to achieve great things. You can go higher and further than you have been able to before. Great power is available in your life, but it is very important to use any power for the greater good and not self-centered needs. You may achieve success or good social status also. You may become involved in a project to repair or restore something. Avoid becoming obsessive with plans or actions, and you will constantly need to reevaluate your motivations and ensure that what you are doing is for the greater good as opposed to self-centered needs. Avoid underworld or shady persons it could implicate you badly.
🔥Mars Conjunct Natal Midheaven🌠
Your ego drives are quite stimulated, and you need to be careful. You may feel a strong desire to work especially if this work can advance your position or make you more popular. Beware of acting from purely egotistical motives. This may bring hostility and problems from people you work with. Try to work alone as you are very self-centered, and it is difficult to operate on a group level. Make sure you have freedom do to what you want, so you can avoid complications and achieve a great deal.
🌙Moon Sextile Natal Mars🔥
At this time, you can work well with others or alone. You need to communicate openly and sincerely and try not to offend others. You may attract others who are strong and have courage.
🌙Moon Square Natal Moon🌙
You may feel quite irritated now, emotions are discordant, and you are likely to get into few arguments. Watch out for conflicts as your perspective is warped and too emotional to make rational judgments.
🌙Moon Sextile Natal Jupiter⚡
It is a good time for group activities as it will benefit all equally. You will have a good sense of wellbeing and be more understanding of other people’s problems.
🌙Moon Conjunct Natal Sun☀️
Your mind and body feel recharged for the month ahead and your emotional patterns will be influenced strongly at this time. You feel stronger and your mind and feelings will be working harmoniously. You have a good feeling of those around you, so group work is favored. If you are not well emotionally, your physical energy will suffer and you may need time off.
🌹The tower🌹 ( in reverse)
🔮" A way out. A sudden solution that leads to a peaceful resolution" - Message Card from Archangel Raphael🔮
The first vision that I intuitively receive as the total energy of the day is a room without doors and windows with only one way out! There is only a hatch, which opens abruptly and through a gallery leads to a verdant location with streams and waterfalls. Like a glade in the forest. This is symbolically the transition from a situation quite painful, stressful and difficult to healing and abundance. Maybe now there is a sudden way out of a state of trappment that has surrounded you and that is now falling apart. Like in the card of tower. The old is falling apart suddenly without a warning in order to rebuilt the new way of being under the green light. The light of healing, the light of Arch. Raphael! You are instigating the change and calling into question your fundamental belief systems, values, purpose and meaning. You may go through a spiritual awakening as you discover a new spiritual path. You may change your beliefs and opinions about important topics, realising that you can no longer support older models. Or, in more dramatic cases, you may go through an existential crisis where you seriously question your life’s purpose. While this can be an unsettling time, trust in the process and know it is for the best. You are creating change and transformation so you can step into a new and evolved version of yourself. On the other hand, some of you may be in denial that change is occurring. Or you may be clinging to an old belief system even though you know they are no longer relevant or healthy for you. As much as you don’t want to, you need to go through this difficult time to learn a valuable lesson and make progress in your life. And know that if you continue to resist this change, it will only force its way into your life even more. The growth and transformation that the Tower card brings are inevitable. No amount of hiding or denying will make it go away, and it will only get louder with potentially greater upheaval. In addition, the reversal of the Tower can reduce the impact of the change about to enter your life, particularly if you are tuned in to your intuition. You may be forewarned or have an intuitive sense that something big is about to happen, and you can plan ahead to avoid (or minimise) the destruction that lies ahead. In any case the message from Arch. Raphael is that " There's no need to be afraid of the change, and that you will never be drawn to any situatiom or path that is perfectly balanced, suitable or whole for you at the current moment. This is my reassurance! Trust that any discomfort, that your change brings today, will help you to shift things into perfect realignment later on. They will help you find your own healing! "
🗝Keywords: unexpected change, a massive inner shift, rebuild, beliefs shattered, unexpected divine interference, a way out.
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