CARD OF THE DAY 01/03/2021

🌍General energies 🌍
🌒 Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra♎
With the Moon in Libra, creating order is the focus though not necessarily through tidying or organizing as was the case while the Moon was in Virgo. You will be attracted to pleasing interactions with others and aesthetics in our environment. We tend to solve problems through diplomacy and we are more able to put aside our own emotions in order to achieve the peace we crave. Increased sociability, interest in new acquaintances and a desire for mutual understanding. Partnerships are in focus. Good for social gatherings, celebrations, business meetings or romance. However, your ability to make decisions suffers because people are more prone to doubts and hesitation now. The Moon in Libra generally favors relationship and partnership interaction, activities involving teamwork and cooperation or activities related to beauty.
🌹Venus Trine Natal Jupiter⚡
It is a great time for social events and entertaining, time to invest financially as it may bring future rewards. You will be feeling pleasant and at ease with everything, but you may be prone to indulgence.
🔥Mars Square Natal Mars🔥
Now you will be very prone to impulsive and rash actions which could create conflict with others and cause your problems in the future. Your ego is very strong, and you want to assert your desires onto others. It is a good time to get a lot of work done as your energy level is very high you just need to be more disciplined when you are dealing with others. Try compromise and control your impulsive reactions, if you are finding this time particularly difficult it is good to think about what parts of your ego need refinement such as your pride or sense of worth and your ability to make an impression on others.
⚡Jupiter Square Natal Mercury💬
You will be feeling more optimistic and positive than usual. You are confident with your ideas and you can get them across easier. Be very careful not to overextend yourself, the Jupiter energy may make feel as if you can achieve and do more than you think, and, in some ways, it is true but if you stretch yourself too far then you may end up with an injury or health problems.
It is a good time to examine your ideas and if people are interested or put off by your argument. Try not to be too arrogant, it is a good time to communicate with others and it is important to listen as much as possible, they may have some very interesting and valid points. Your general pace of your life will be fast so just take things one step at a time and you will be successful.
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