CARD OF THE DAY 09/05/2021

🌍General energies 🌍
🌕 Waning Crescent Moon in Aries♈
With the Moon in Aries we are motivated by a strong desire to start fresh. A gut instinct to start something new is with us now, as well as stronger ambitions. An increase of activity, impulsivity, striving, and energetic action. This Moon favours activities which demand courage, decisiveness, swiftness and initiative, but anything which requires patience, diligence and diplomacy is more difficult now. The Moon in Aries generally favors actions that yield immediate results, self-assertion and taking on challenges. It is a good time for athletics, starting new projects and for solving problems by brainstorming.
🌙Moon Inconjunct Natal Pluto☢
Compulsive behavior is very likely right now so be careful of sudden urges and impulses that are not good for you. Emotional self-analysis is a good idea. Your emotional power struggles are prominent avoid guilt tripping or using jealousy or other underhanded techniques to get your way.
🌹Venus Trine Natal Moon🌙
It is a good time to organize your domestic affairs to beautify and decorate your home. Relationships will be better than usual and other people sense your aura of sympathy. Your love relationship should also be stronger right now. It is a nice time to interact in a group environment as your energy is more appealing than usual.
🌙Moon Square Natal Saturn☄
You may feel lonely and out of touch with others, occasionally you may be depressed but be aware that your mood may not reflect the reality. Avoid confrontations and falling into negative thinking, your perception is distorted right now.
🌹 8 of emotions🌹
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