CARD OF THE DAY 31/05/2021

🌍General energies 🌍
🌕 Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius♒
Attraction to all that is new and unusual and an instinctive need for improvement, characterize the Moon in Aquarius. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional, and interactions are more impersonal. This is a good time for social gatherings, dealing with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas, and progressive changes. There is an increased interest in knowledge and a need to communicate with like-minded individuals. At the same time, your desire for freedom and independence is strengthened, and you will want to establish your own rules. It is a good period for reading, study and scientific pursuits. However, activities which require subordination and discipline, as well as jobs which bore you, will go from bad to worse now.
🌙Moon Square Natal Mercury💬
Your feelings may overwhelm your rational intellect making your thinking too subjective and hard to relate to. You feel strongly about expressing yourself and tensions should be released.
🌙Moon Square Natal Pluto☢
Compulsive behavior is very likely right now so be careful of sudden urges and impulses that are not good for you. Emotional self-analysis is a good idea. Your emotional power struggles are prominent avoid guilt tripping or using jealousy or other underhanded techniques to get your way.
☀️Sun Square Natal Venus🌹
You may want to take things easy today. You want to seek out pleasure and harmony and avoid conflict. You may be quite loving and affectionate so is a good time to start new love relationships or be creative. You may be self-indulgent, so avoid anything with too much effort and avoid spending too much money on impulsive purchases. Just sit back and enjoy it.
🌹 6 of materials🌹
🔮" The way you create, the way you express yourself " - Message Card from Archangel Gabriel 🔮
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