CARD OF THE DAY 03/06/2021

🌍General energies 🌍
🌕 Last Quarter Moon in Aries♈
With the Moon in Aries we are motivated by a strong desire to start fresh. A gut instinct to start something new is with us now, as well as stronger ambitions. An increase of activity, impulsivity, striving, and energetic action. This Moon favours activities which demand courage, decisiveness, swiftness and initiative, but anything which requires patience, diligence and diplomacy is more difficult now.
The Moon in Aries generally favors actions that yield immediate results, self-assertion and taking on challenges. It is a good time for athletics, starting new projects and for solving problems by brainstorming.
🔥Mars Square Natal Sun🌞
You will be very energetic, and you can assert your will power. You may however be tested and forced to show the truth in what you are doing. Your success depends on how well you can assert yourself so be careful not to become too wrapped up in your own beliefs. It is good to stand up for yourself or you will be more inclined to anger and frustration. If you manage to stick to your guns your efforts will bear fruit later in the year and if you do not, then you may find failure instead.
🔥Mars Inconjunct Natal Mars🔥
Now you will be very prone to impulsive and rash actions which could create conflict with others and cause your problems in the future. Your ego is very strong, and you want to assert your desires onto others. It is a good time to get a lot of work done as your energy level is very high you just need to be more disciplined when you are dealing with others. Try compromise and control your impulsive reactions, if you are finding this time particularly difficult it is good to think about what parts of your ego need refinement such as your pride or sense of worth and your ability to make an impression on others.
🌹Venus Conjunct Natal Jupiter⚡
You should be feeling optimistic, eager and outgoing. You could end up being lucky financially so its good time to buy lotto, you may want to indulge, and your discipline will be low. It is a good time for socializing or holding parties, you will feel more loving towards others.
🌹 The chariot🌹
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