1. For you my loves what this Full Moon is bringing forward is the turning of wheel into a more positive direction. Luck is on your side at this moment. You may face a very difficult situation that has to do with people in your emviroment or a specific relationship. Lots of geminean and piscean energy in this pile are creating the wonder and the shift in your communications. Peaceful resolutions in situations that were too painful and intense are coming now for you. Also a new emotional beginning and a new opportunity in love is here. Renewal of a vow with a person and a joyful happy moment that can heal your hurt heart. If you have lost your hope this is a time to pray and set your most powerful prayer and intention to manifest the miracle and be sure that no matter how hard things might be everything is possible while universe and Divine intelligence have the ability to resolve things in the most peaceful and unpredictable ways you could ever imagine. Life is ready to surprise you... are you ready to receive?
2. Have you ever imagined to embrace your highest potential? Well you muat start doing it so because this is your time to do it. For a long time you have seek the power within you by stressing out your mind and analysing thinga a lot. It seems that your problem was a mental conflict that repeated to your brain that you lack all the necessary information or even the ability to act in more confident and secure way. The good news is that for those that already were following a healing process you have reached to a point of healing your inner child by showing perceivearence and determination during your healing and now you are payed out by a great amout of power and specifically the great skill of manifestation. You have worked for your own freedom of expression, action and orientation in life and now it's the time to start shine. You have the nightgale and the golden snitch which for me are the expressions of magic in your life. You are well equiped my love and what your full moon is bringing you is the acknowledgment of your own power and how to use it more productively. Fame and a great opened door for your soul mission. Seek your soul mission in paths that will may shock you. You are the adventurer of this world.
3. The message for you my loves of what this cold moon is bringing for you is the revalueation of a situation and the acknowledgement of your own part in this. This full moon in gemini is bringing you the gift of introspection and mirroring in order to get out of your ego and your self limiting barriors that you have put in your own self. A very important color for you here is the pearl, which for me is a symbolization of connecting with your higher self and the divine. For a few of you this has to do with trauma bonding with a past life in the medieval times where you played roles that now you can't even imagine. What you have to understand is that this deepest axknowledgement is not a punishment but an access to valuable informations in order to be elevated. It's time to forgive yourseld and stop being self critisized. Because this split that you are feeling, this inner conflict that you are experiencing is becauss of you that you can not accept your shadow sides and bw forgiving with them and with other people that mirror that aspect of youra within. To be yourself is to bridge your shadow and light and not be divided. This is not a process of thinking but a process of deep intospection in your soul! Meditate amd contemplate in order to feel in peace during the next 5 days.
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