Pile 1 🔮
For the first pile intuitively the first image shows me the person you are interested in, watching you from a distance without being able to reach you. The second vision I receive is a star, symbol of hope, healing and a wish fulfillment. For some of you, we may be talking about a case in which there is the involvement of children or third party actors involving family issues. With the card very soon in reverse may appear factors that prevent the movement of the person to approach you, although his hope and desire for you remain limp. A strong figure in the environment of your person, creates a field of control and influence on him. For a few of you, this is a strong father figure or a partner. If we are talking about a partner then we are talking about a person with whom there is already an established home and children.
Your person's feelings for you are deep and sincere, while at the same time the pressure on his environment creates intense stress and anxiety, which he wants to get rid off. His desire for you is intense while for some it reaches the limits of emotional dependence or obsession. Family and the feeling of abandonment are the main pillars that currently prevent communication between you. It takes time for the situation to change as there are secret and hidden parameters that hinder the evolution of the relationship. In the present phase, the Archangel Michael helps you in the part of cutting off the addictions and toxic behaviors by clearing your mental plan. On the other hand, Archangel Samuel brings you the gift of balancing your emotions through the gate of the heart. Focus your energy on the part of personal development. For those of you who work around the serving others turn your attention there. Find emotional fulfillment through engaging with yourself and your personal activities. Retreat from the intense energy field of this relationship at present.
Whatever happens will happen at the proper time within the cosmic synchronicities!
Pile 2 âš¡
For pile 2 intuitively I receive two different energies the energy of divine masculine and the energy of divine feminine. For masculine I have the vision of a lit torch, a symbol of communication. At the same time I see a yellow aura covering the solar plexus of the masculine, a fact that indicates the intense strength and will for action, a message similar to the card knight of wands. For the divine feminine the Archangel shows me the Moon by giving me the feeling of fear and doubt that exists at the moment. An important number is the number 3, which symbolizes the manifestation through guidance as well as the connection with the Holy Spirit. For many of you this person may be an ex with whom there is an actual or an emotional distance at the current moment. Maybe this person feels the need to apologize for something that has happened to you in the past and to bridge the distance that exists. Some of you will receive or have received a text or an apology letter. This person has not moved on , while he is planning the way he will return to your life. Some may receive a romantic dinner or a proposal. For now, the person you are interested in, has a huge mental weight due to responsibilities at work or career. "Observe the signs you receive" is the message of the Archangel Gabriel to you. The communication between you is also telepathic and you communicate ethereally while soon you are going to receive a message at the 3D level. For some of you there is the possibility of reconciliation. Stay focused on your center and your balance. Message from the archangel Zachiel: "It is time to show the power of empathy and forgiveness that you hold within you. Both to yourself and to others. Stop focusing on the past because it keeps you trapped in pain. Abundance in life is at your gate. You must observe your thoughts in your mind. Which of these are toxic and negative and why?"
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