For you my loves Spirit is showing me a an illuminated lamp behind a sheet and a group of figures forming shadows with light. we could also call it shadow theater. But my Archangel Gabriel called it "game of shadows" while he calls the figures muppets. That means for me an actual message of some illussions that you have to face around your relationships with the others and especially your community and social life. For some of you this is about your work enviroment while for others about a group of friends. With the word "muppets" it seems like there is an orcheatrated situation where there is an invisible authority figure that give orders. For some this is something that you didn't imagine and you will soon realise the undercover situation. For others that you were already suspicious Spirit is asking you to be careful and get more informations because it would be easy to unjustify accuse people out of fear based on an illussion. In both cases your mental and emotional confusion is your current challenge in order to gain more clarity. With the card "contracts" here this is either about karmic persons in your life that you have to see cpearly the way they are or about your karmic lesson for learning to be more balanced and cool in order to gain more clarity and make the best choices for you. Eitherway get more information and don't get blind by your inbalanced emotional state or your closed off way of thinking.
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