1. If you are feeling desparate about a specific situation Spirit is asking you to feel more optimistic. Nothing is lost. Heal yourself from negative thinking and gain back your hope. If you are alone the relationship you want is right the corner. Mourn what is been lost and welcome the new.
2. At this month Spirit is asking you to work more on your self esteem issues in order to get what you want. If you are a sagittarius or you ve got strong placements in that zodiac sign make your healing work by finding a purpose in your life and be in love with that and your soul. The more we love ourselves the more loveable and sexier we become for others.
3. There is something special here between the two of you. One person is matture the other is more younger. There is definately an age gap or a different in way of thinking. Enjoy the happy moments on this month but don't forget to deepen your communication. Chemistry isn't only about intimacy or compatability in sex. Try to communicate more in depth.
4. If you are facing a recent seperation Spirit is telling you that at this point of time there is a need to stay away from your partner in order to gain more clarity and stop the conflict. In some cases the power struggles create miscommunications. You had the tedency both of you to bring into relationship your own unhealed traumas. So this is an opportunity to review and introspect on the dynamic and yourself.
5. The main theme here that came up for this month and has to do either with you or your partner is the healing family issues. In some cases this is about a damaged relationship with your father or a codepent relationship with the mother. Our parents usually are the role models of the partners we choose and when we heal our childhood traumas we are able to change our love life as well. Try it.
6. If you are asking about a revonciliation with an ex partner or a partner that he comes and goes this is a confirmation for your intuition that yes! This is a soul connection. Your relationship is sacred, but you have to watch out for this month some behaviours that will reveal to you the toxic patterns and beliefs of your person. There is a long way ahead for you to heal and balance in order to be together in harmony. The path begins now.
7. Sometimes when we stare at our person we feel a great inspiration and a chill. We feel that we want to create and conquor the world! That Divine passion is now awakened within you for your person and Spirit is guiding you to express your feelings and do not be afraid. Enjoy the moments and allow yourself to express your creative spirit through your work by using your emotions. There is an opportunity for severe intimate moments in this month.
8. Something is going to happen between 11th and 21st of January. There will be a decision about a reconciliation or a step to the next level in your partnership. The time of great decisions is now and you are closer to reunion more than ever. The feelings are mutual and you have been through a lot in order to be here and now but at the end your love wins!
9. You will soon find out the deepest feelings of your person for you. Until now you thought that this was an urequitted love but you will soon find out that this was nothing more than your fear and your low self esteem. Im also feeling a very passive energy from your person. He or she tend to feel shy in front of you or intimidated by your shine. An unexpected movement from your person without verbally expression will be your reassurement of the way he feels for you.
10. There is a difference in culture, at your age or even your way of thinking but this story is reminding me the story of Romeo and Julliet. You both have an active crown chakra but my loves watch out at this month you are going to discover the mountains and the obstacles that you have to pass in order to be together. Your advice here is to have patience with your partner and stay united. Love can break walls.
11. My loves if you had a recent fight with your person Spirit is trying to advise you to be more open in mind and not to tend to show off your Ego. You both have persons in your enviroment that tend to support you and have a toxic influence in your relationship. Trust your intuition and follow the advice of people that you know they had pure intentions for you and your love life. Do not reject people that try to help you by telling you things that challenge your ego and make you angry. Friends always are here to tell us the truth whether we like it or not.
12. Something that was repeating itself in your love life is going to get to closure at the end of the month and bring you out of an old cycle. It seems that for a long time you kept yourself in a toxic loop or a person that didnt allow you to move forward and have what you deserve. It's time to close that chapter of your life mourn, forgive and move on. You will understand especially at the beginning of the next month that you made the right choice. You chose to take back the control of your life and that's the first step towards your happiness.
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